It’s easy to look at someone’s work and feel it’s well beyond your capabilities. Masterfully executed. They must be a genius!
However, it’s important to consider the power of experience. I reflect on this when I’ve transitioned to different types of work. The first few months of a new profession are intense effort, struggling to stay afloat. Every small issue is a new decision to decide on. Mistakes are made. Quality could be improved. Lessons are learned.
By the second year, you start to get your bearings. Many similar issues arise, which you can solve with your prior experience. New challenges arise to be overcome. It’s still a struggle, but not as bad as the initial start. Quality still can be improved, but it’s better than before. More lessons are learned.
Continue this pattern over many years or decades. By continuing to push yourself you reach new heights. Now people see your work and think it is masterfully done. “You must be a genius,” they say! Yet inside you still feel it could be improved. There is better work out there. You still struggle with new challenges, but it’s so much easier than before. If you reflect on your work, you realize it’s better than most.
There’s always someone to compare yourself and aspire to. This can inspire us to keep learning and growing. Along the way, it’s important to remember that we can reach these great heights. Everyone whose work you admire started from your same level at some point. They just practiced their craft until where you see them now.
Experience matters.